I’ve said it before; if you aren’t clear on what you’re about, your clients aren’t either. And they need to know what you’re about! If you want true connection with your audience, and to provide amazing value for them, it’s critical to get crystal clear on your values. If you are running a business, I’m sure you have an idea of what your values are. You might know that it’s important to you to connect with your clients on a personal level. You might have honesty and integrity up there at the top of your value list, or prioritize a consistent work ethic. Those are all fantastic values to have, but do you know why those values are important to you? Do you know what your purpose is, and why you care about it? What fuels your passion for your business? What gets you up in the morning and fills you with the desire to change the world?
I’m here to tell you that you have a deep purpose. You’re not meant to stay on the surface of things. You have the potential to influence people and accomplish everything you dream of. So take a few minutes with me to dive deep into your values. Not only will it immediately bring clarity to your brand and help attract your ideal clients, but it will help you tap into that passionate core of who you are and what you have to offer.
So here are five questions to help you dive deep:
1. Why do you do what you do? Why do you love it?
Your why is the most important thing you can define for yourself. It’s the purpose that fuels everything you do. But just as important as defining your why, is defining your passion, why you love doing what you do. Nothing ensures you will make a difference like a clear why and a strong love for what you are doing, so take some time to clarify this for yourself.
2. What values do you need to feel fulfilled?
What values fill your cup? What ideas do you feel an urgent need to get out into the world? Your values should give back to the world around you, but they should also give back to you and your contentment.
3. What types of values keep showing up?
When thinking about your business, what thoughts keep reappearing? What values continually come to your mind? Your first thoughts and instincts are important to pay attention to because they show you what you value the most.
4. How do you want to be remembered?
Thinking about your legacy is a great way to align yourself to your values. Imagine what you want people to know and apply to their own lives because you lived the way you did. Imagine the effect you will have on countless other lives after you are gone. Looking at things through this big-picture lens always inspires me to realign my life and business.
5. When do you feel most alive?
Whatever brings you passion and joy, whatever makes you the most excited, that is what you should value the most! Think about the times when you’ve felt most alive, most fulfilled and happy, and you have an important key to unlocking your deep values.
I hope these questions helped you go deeper and get to know yourself and your business a little bit better. Gaining clarity on your values can truly be so much fun and help reignite the passion for what you do. When you go deep, those values will shine through your brand and website and attract the people who need what you have to offer!
Hi! I’m Jannan
I’m Jannan Poppen. I help purpose-driven businesses bring their vision to life through brand and web design so they can create the impact and income they desire.